Bite Size Treats - Carême Pastry

Bite Size Treats

Bite Size Treats…

The new school term has started for some and about to for others which got us thinking about home baked little treats that will keep the younger members of the family happy as well as us grown-ups.

Eccles cakes (also unflatteringly known as squashed fly cakes) have always been a favourite, the simple combination of butter, brown sugar, currants and spices wrapped in flaky pastry never fails to satisfy. The short list of ingredients means these little pastries can be whipped up without much planning. Perfect for satisfying the seemingly insatiable hunger of children when they get home from school! Or when in need of a little something with a cup of tea.

[dt_button size=”medium” animation=”none” icon=”” icon_align=”left” color=”” link=”/project/eccles-cakes/” target_blank=”true”]View Recipe for Eccles Cakes[/dt_button]


In keeping with hand held snacks we returned to the Pin Wheel to have a bit of a play with fillings, don’t be restricted to what we have included in our recipe, try out your favourite fillings, different cheeses, herbs, ham, salami, meat free, whatever takes your fancy or is in your fridge. You could even step this theme up a notch and create a pre dinner snack, try adding caramelised onion with a smattering of goat cheese and herbs, lightly sprinkled with sea salt before serving warm. Ok, so now I’m getting a little carried away but you get the idea. So whether it’s a movie night snack, lunch box treats or a fancy canapé get creative with your Pin Wheels!

[dt_button size=”medium” animation=”none” icon=”” icon_align=”left” color=”” link=”/project/pinwheels-2/” target_blank=”true”]View Recipe for Pin Wheels[/dt_button]


Pin Wheels

Pin Wheels

Pin Wheels

Pin Wheels

Careme Eccles-3

Eccles Cakes


Eccles Cakes

Eccles Cakes

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